Conny har specialiserat sig på avancerad spårning sedan 2003 och han ger kvalificerade kurser i medveten observation och spårning.
Kurserna är för dig som privat eller yrkesmässigt vill stärka din förmåga till god observation. Syftet är att ge dig som student en förmåga att spåra vad som är sant och falskt.
It all started when…
Conny Andersson began his work in 1998 with the objective of developing tactical tracking skills for the police. Due to a number of successstories resolved through his own autodidactical tracking knowledge,the Mayor of Stockholm together with the Police Commissioner for Stockholm County granted Conny a Scholarship in 2005 to study Tracking in the United States.
In 2011, after nearly 20 years working as a devoted Police Officer with a particular interest in criminal investigation and crime prevention, Conny decided to shift his work and focused instead in developing Tracking as a methodology and as a way of life.
Today Tracker School Sweden has developed a methodology of training and works towards the goal of expanding the knowledge of Tracking as an established discipline. His clients include the military, the police, security personnel and the general public with a desire for further awareness. Besides applying his knowledge for crime investigation he uses his skills to prevent illegal animal pouching and teaches the general public with a desire for nature awareness.
Philosophy and methods of tracking.
Scouting or tracking is an old knowledge from the Apache scouts. It is how to investigate, read and hide the evidence created by all types of movements: signs on the ground, sounds, reactions, warning signals, smells, body movements, etc. Information gathering is done through the five senses by asking questions leading to a philosophy of awareness: ”to know, never assume”.
We need to understand the context and every movement that leads to it. A method that gives us understanding and awareness of every unique situation is essential. In order for our decision making process to become accurate we need to know what we see and experience.
We are focus around keydefinitions:
To investigate by: • questions • know from your own senses only •Never Assume • Confirm what you know • Exclude what you know •Movement is your knowledge